Sunday 11 September 2011

Menu Plan

Day Lunch Tea
Monday Lentil soup
Tuesday Haggis, neaps & tatties
Wednesday Baked Potatoes & beans & cheese
Thursday Sausages & Mash & peas
Friday Spicy Chick Peas & Rice
Saturday Chicken nuggets & chips & veg
Sunday Quorn Roast with potatoes and veg


Day Lunch Tea
Monday Jamie’s bacon & pea pasta p52
Tuesday Veg Chilli & Rice
Wednesday Quorn, chick pea, tomato, potato & herb stew.
Thursday Spaghetti Bolognaise
Friday Sausage and Lentil stew
Saturday Pizza & dough balls
Sunday Toad in the Hole, Onion Gravy, Roast Potatoes & veg

Day Lunch Tea
Monday Fresh pasta & sauce
Tuesday Shepherd’s Pie
Wednesday Pasta Bake with sausages
Thursday Lentil Hotpot
Friday Puff pastry pie & jamie stew p180
Saturday Fajitas
Sunday Jamies cherry tomato pasta p55


Day Lunch Tea
Monday Gnocchi & sauce
Tuesday Lasagne
Wednesday Smoked Paprika Goulash, dumplings and rice
Thursday Mince & tatties
Friday Tortilla Omlette
Saturday Southern Style burgers, chips and beans.
Sunday Quorn Fillets, Roast Potatoes, gravy & veg
Day Lunch Tea
Monday Lentil soup
Tuesday Haggis, neaps & tatties
Wednesday Baked Potatoes & beans & cheese
Thursday Sausages & Mash & peas
Friday Spicy Chick Peas & Rice - didn’t have it - move to another day
Saturday Chicken nuggets & chips & veg
Sunday Quorn Roast with potatoes and veg


Day Lunch Tea
Monday Jamie’s bacon & pea pasta p52
Tuesday Veg Chilli & Rice
Wednesday Quorn, chick pea, tomato, potato & herb stew.
Thursday Spaghetti Bolognaise
Friday Sausage and Lentil stew
Saturday Pizza & dough balls
Sunday Toad in the Hole, Onion Gravy, Roast Potatoes & veg

Day Lunch Tea
Monday Fresh pasta & sauce
Tuesday Shepherd’s Pie
Wednesday Pasta Bake with sausages
Thursday Lentil Hotpot
Friday Puff pastry pie & jamie stew p180
Saturday Fajitas
Sunday Jamies cherry tomato pasta p55


Day Lunch Tea
Monday Gnocchi & sauce
Tuesday Lasagne
Wednesday Smoked Paprika Goulash, dumplings and rice
Thursday Mince & tatties
Friday Tortilla Omlette
Saturday Southern Style burgers, chips and beans. - ate out - move to another day
Sunday Quorn Fillets, Roast Potatoes, gravy & veg


Week 5 Meal
Monday Spanish Style Tortilla & roast potatoes
Tuesday Goulash & Dumplings & Rice
Wednesday Lasagne (carrots and red pepper) & salad
Thursday Spicy Chick Peas & Rice
Friday Pasta & Pesto
Saturday Away
Sunday Away
Week 6 Meal
Monday Butternut Squash Soup
Tuesday Macaroni
Wednesday Veggie Stovies
Thursday Bessies Pasta Primavera
Friday Jamies Chicken Korma P74 with rice
Saturday Southern Style Burgers and Chips
Sunday Leek Roulade (P46 Australian)
Week 7 Meal
Monday Vegetarian Paella (p27 Australian)
Tuesday Jamies sweet and sour - p65 with rice
Wednesday Jamies Pork & Cider Hot Pot P 180
Thursday Morroccan Cous cous
Friday Eat out - cheese and biscuits
Saturday Quiche
Sunday Spinach & Ricotta Canneloni
Week 8 Meal
Monday Pasta & tomato sauce (Ministry P43)
Tuesday Vegetable Korma (Ministry p74) Nan & Pilau Rice
Wednesday Pasta and tomato and marscapone sauce
Thursday Quorn and leek Stroganoff (Ministry p34)
Friday Smoky Veggie Chilli Tacos
(GTK p14)
Saturday Tacos again.
Sunday Bessie’s tofu and ginger noodles.


Monday Week 9 Jamie’s tagliatelle
Tuesday Jamie’s mince and onion pie
Wednesday Bessie’s Spanish casserole
Thursday Pasta, Pesto, Salad, nice bread, birthday cake

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Rolo Muffins

 Rolo Muffins

4oz Butter or margarine
3oz granulated Sugar
2 tablespoons dark soft Brown sugar
2 eggs
6oz plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 fl oz milk
6 oz Rolos, chopped in half, or if you can little Rolos, only available in tubes at Christmas and Easter

Heat oven to 190 C

Cream butter or marg until soft. Add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time.

Sift the flour and baking powder. Fold into the butter mixture, alternating with the milk/

Mix in the Rolos.

Bake for about 25 minutes, until lightly coloured. Leave to stand for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Treacle Tart


150g plain flour
2.5 ml salt
65g butter
Flour for rolling out

I just used a packet of frozen dessert pastry which I had in the freezer.


45ml golden syrup
50g soft white breadcrumbs
5ml lemon juice


Heat the oven to 200C.

Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. 
Rub in the margarine until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Add enough cold water for the mixture to form a stiff dough.
Press the dough together with your fingertips.
Roll out the pastry onto a lightly floured surface.
Use it to line a 20cm pie plate.
Reroll the rest and cut into 1cm wide strips to form a lattice on top of the tart once filled. (optional)


Melt the syrup in a small saucepan.
Stir in the breadcrumbs and lemon juice.
Pour the mixture into the prepared pastry case.
Add lattice if using.

Bake for approx 30 mins - keep an eye on the pastry

Seriously unhealthy and I have never had a treacle tart before so I don't know how it would compare but we thought it was lovely! I didn't do the lattice on top as I am not that keen on pastry.


serves 12.
180g cacao (dark choc) finely grated,
300ml double cream
150g icing sugar.
Line a 20cm loose bottomed cake tin or small loaf tim with cling film.
Melt choc by placing in heatproof bowl over pan with simmering water..
Meanwhile lightly whip cream with 50g icing sugar.
Stir remaining sugar into the melted choclate and leave to cool slightly
Gradually fold the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream and pour into cake or loaf tin (or individual moulds). Refrigerate until firm. Slice and serve with seasonal berries.
Tip; Leaving the melted cacao to cool slightly means the cream won't collapse when cacao is added to it.


About 300g plain flour
2 tsp fine salt
75g unsalted butter
2 tsp dry instant yeast
75g soft cheese, such as chèvre or gorgonzola, say
150ml warm milk
3 tbsp finely chopped fresh herbs – any that take your fancy (optional)
Put the flour and salt in a bowl, rub in the butter and toss through the yeast. In a separate bowl, break up the cheese into smallish pieces and mix this with the milk and herbs, if using. Pour this into the flour bowl and mix to a soft, sticky dough. Cover and leave to stand for an hour.
On an oiled or floured worktop, lightly knead the dough for 10-15 seconds only, no more. Return the dough to its bowl, cover and leave for another hour.
Heat the oven to 160C (140C fan-assisted)/320F/gas mark 2½. Without using flour, roll the dough to about 1cm thick, cut into strips and then, using your hands, roll each strip into a pencil-like stick. The idea of treating the dough this way is that you won't stress it out too much as you roll it.
Lay the dough sticks on a baking tray lined with nonstick paper and bake for 35-40 minutes, until golden and crisp.

Pistou Soup

  • 11 plum tomatoes
  • 100g frozen broad beans
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion peeled and chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped
  • 1 leek trimmed and diced
  • 2 carrots peeled and diced
  • 2 courgettes topped tailed and diced
  • 2 potatoes peeled and diced
  • 1 x 250g can of haricot beans drained and rinsed
  • 75g dried spaghetti
  • 75g french beans topped and tailed and
  • cut into 4 pieces
  • 100g frozen peas
  • salt and black pepper
  • 1 handful of basil leaves to garnish
  • 1 plum tomato reserved from the soup see Step 1
  • 60g fresh basil leaves
  • 4 cloves of garlic peeled
  • 75g grated parmesan cheese
  • 135ml olive oil

  1. For the soup: score a cross in the bottom of each tomato, place in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave for 45 seconds, then drain and peel off the skin. Reserve 1 tomato for the pistou. Cut the remaining tomatoes into quarters, remove the seeds and chop the flesh. Blanch the broad beans for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then refresh in cold water and peel off the skins.
  2. Place a large, heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat, add the olive oil and all the chopped and diced vegetables except the tomatoes and fry, without browning, for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Add the haricot beans, fill with enough water to cover (about
    1.2 litres) and bring to the boil.
  4. Meanwhile, wrap the spaghetti in a clean tea towel and crush it on the edge of a worktop, pressing it backwards and forwards to break it into small pieces, then add these to the soup.
  5. Add the chopped tomatoes, bring back up to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until the pasta is cooked, adding the french beans, broad beans and peas after 10-11 minutes. (It’s best to add these towards the end of cooking in order to preserve their fresh colour.)
  6. While the soup is cooking, deseed and chop the reserved skinned plum tomato, place in a blender with the remaining pistou ingredients and purée to a paste.
  7. Remove the soup from the heat and stir in the pistou. Season well with salt and pepper, garnish with basil leaves and serve.
We tried it today and felt:

Dd would prefer it without the courgette and with the onion chopped really small.
The Pistou could do with less garlic - it is very garlicky.
As little tomato as possible is good.

Garden Vegetable Pasta

350g Penne
140g Broccoli (cut into small florets)
100g sugar snap peas (halved)
2 courgettes (diced)
 1 tbsp olive oil
100g light cream cheese
50g veg parmessan (grated plus a few shavings to serve)
zest and juice of one lemon (optional)
large handful of basil


Cook the penne according to instructions.
Add the broccoli florets and sugar snap peas to the pan for the final 3 mins.
Meanwhile gently fry  the courgettes in oil for 7/8 mins until soft and tinged pale gold.
When the penne is nearly ready remove a ladleful of the cooking water from the pan and set aside.
Add 6tbsp of this water to the courgettes, along with the cream cheese, grated cheese, lemon zest and lemon juice if using.
Drain the penne and veg and mix with the sauce, adding the basil.
Garnish with parmesan shavings.

Watercress Sauce

150g Watercress (washes and thick stems removed)
25g butter
25g plain flour
300ml milk


Blanch the watercress for 2 mins in boiling water, then drain and refresh in cold running water.
Finely chop and lay aside.

Melt the butter in a heavy based pan. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 min.

Gradually whisk or beat in the milk and cook until smooth and creamy.

Season with salt and pepper and stir in the watercress.

Leek, apple & cheese sausages

10oz breadcrumbs
5 1/2 oz grated mature veg cheese
1 small leek finely chopped
1 dessert apple, cored and grated
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp milk
2 eggs
Olive oil for brushing


In a large bowl mix 150g of the breadcrumbs (save the rest for coating), cheese, leek, apple and thyme. Stir in the mustard, milk and 1 of the eggs and season with salt and pepper.

Shape into around 12 sausages of equal size and chill in the fridge to firm up.

Beat the remaining egg in a bowl.  Dip each sausage in the egg then roll in the breadcrumbs to coat. 

Lightly brush or spray with Olive oil

Bake in the oven for approx 15/20 mins until cooked through and golden and crisp on the outside.

Serve on a bed of shredded savoy cabbage with a side of watercress sauce.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Quorn Mince and Onion Pie - adapted from Jamie Oliver (yet again)


Olive oil
2 large onions - diced
2 carrots - peeled and diced
2 sticks of celery - peeled and chopped
2 bay leaves
1 bag of quorn mince
1 teaspoon of English mustard
1 teaspoon of marmite
2 teaspoons of plain flour
2 heaped teaspoons of Marigold vegetarian stock (or similar)
1 packet of low fat short crust pasty (I used Tesco's)
1 free range egg - beaten in small bowl.


Heat the oil in a medium pan and soften onions, carrots and celery for around 10 mins until just going golden.  Stir in quorn, mustard, marmite and flour. Make up the stock in just under a pint of boiling water and add it gradually to the mince mixture.  Bring to the boil and then turn down and simmer for about an hour.  Allow to cool.
Transfer into an appropriately sized casserole dish. (We did one big dish and a few little ramekin dishes for fun for the kids). Unroll the ready rolled pastry over the top and press down round edges with a fork.  Cut off excess.  We made little leaves and hearts with the left over pastry and stuck them to the top with the beaten egg.  Brush the pastry all over with the beaten egg.
Bake in the middle of the oven  for  half and hour to forty minutes until golden brown.

Monday 28 March 2011

Soupdragon's Flapjacks

Porridge Oats (just the plain cheap type, not large ones), 500g
Butter, 300g
Golden Syrup (in a green and gold tin), 4 serving spoons
Unsweetended condensed milk, half a tin
Demerera sugar, 340g (optional - Soupdragon now makes them with no sugar and still gets good results)

You'll also need an oven, a saucepan, some baking parchment and a large
baking tin or a couple of small ones.


1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees celcius, you may need to search the web to find a conversion to gas mark (1-9) which many ovens are in.
2. Line the baking tin with baking parchment, this doesn't have to be neat.
3. Melt the butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat.
4. Add the sugar and syrup. Keep heating and stirring until all is melted and mixed. Don't rush by turning the heat up, the sugar will start to caramelise etc. If it starts to boil take it off the heat!
5. Add the condensed milk and mix.
6. Gradually add the oats, folding them in. All the oats should be coated, and the mixture quite dense, but still sticky. Don't add so many oats that the mixture becomes dry.
7. Pour the mixture into the tins and spread about so that it lines the tin to a depth of 2-3cm. Fill as many tins as necessary! Don't squash the mixture in, just spread it evenly.
8. Bake in the oven for at least 15mins but probably more. If using top and middle shelves swap half way through so they cook evenly.
9. You should take them out when they just start to go brown round the edges, don't leave longer than this. If they're still squidgy in the middle that's fine, they set on cooking

Soupdragon says,"When I make flapjacks, when the sugar & syrup have dissolved, I do boil it for a couple of a minutes to slightly caramelise it. With this recipe I'd do it after adding the condensed milk I think"

Friday 25 March 2011

Menu Plan

MondayLentil soup
TuesdayHaggis, neaps & tatties
WednesdayBaked Potatoes & beans & cheese
ThursdaySausages & Mash & peas
FridaySpicy Chick Peas & Rice - didn’t have it - move to another day
SaturdayChicken nuggets & chips & veg
SundayQuorn Roast with potatoes and veg


MondayJamie’s bacon & pea pasta p52
TuesdayVeg Chilli & Rice
WednesdayQuorn, chick pea, tomato, potato & herb stew.
ThursdaySpaghetti Bolognaise
FridaySausage and Lentil stew
SaturdayPizza & dough balls
SundayToad in the Hole, Onion Gravy, Roast Potatoes & veg
MondayFresh pasta & sauce
TuesdayShepherd’s Pie
WednesdayPasta Bake with sausages
ThursdayLentil Hotpot
FridayPuff pastry pie & jamie stew p180
SundayJamies cherry tomato pasta p55


MondayGnocchi & sauce
WednesdaySmoked Paprika Goulash, dumplings and rice
ThursdayMince & tatties
FridayTortilla Omlette
SaturdaySouthern Style burgers, chips and beans. - ate out - move to another day
SundayQuorn Fillets, Roast Potatoes, gravy & veg


Week 5Meal
MondaySpanish Style Tortilla & roast potatoes
TuesdayGoulash & Dumplings & Rice
WednesdayLasagne (carrots and red pepper) & salad
ThursdaySpicy Chick Peas & Rice
FridayPasta & Pesto
Week 6Meal
MondayButternut Squash Soup
WednesdayVeggie Stovies
ThursdayBessies Pasta Primavera
FridayJamies Chicken Korma P74 with rice
SaturdaySouthern Style Burgers and Chips
SundayLeek Roulade (P46 Australian)
Week 7Meal
MondayVegetarian Paella (p27 Australian)
TuesdayJamies sweet and sour - p65 with rice
WednesdayJamies Pork & Cider Hot Pot P 180
ThursdayMorroccan Cous cous
FridayEat out - cheese and biscuits
SundaySpinach & Ricotta Canneloni
Week 8Meal
MondayPasta & tomato sauce (Ministry P43)
TuesdayVegetable Korma (Ministry p74) Nan & Pilau Rice
WednesdayPasta and tomato and marscapone sauce
ThursdayQuorn and leek Stroganoff (Ministry p34)
FridaySmoky Veggie Chilli Tacos
(GTK p14)
SaturdayBessie’s Tofu & ginger noodle
SundayMince and Onion Pie with roasts

Smoky Veggie Tacos


Olive oil
2 red onions - peeled and chopped
1 red chilli - finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic - peeled and crushed
1 bag of quorn mince
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1 tsp of dark brown sugar
125ml red wine
salt and pepper to taste
1 can of mixed beans
1 carrot - peeled and diced
1 red pepper - diced
2 handfuls of sweetcorn


Heat the oil in a large pan. Fry the onion, garlic and chilli on a low heat until soft. Add the diced carrots, peppers and continue to cook for about 10 mins.  Add the quorn, paprika, tomatoes, sugar and wine.  Season and simmer for 10 to 15 mins.  Add the beans and sweetcorn and cook for a further 5 mins.

Serve in tacos with guacamole, shredded iceberg lettuce, salsa, cheese, sour cream and rice.

Would work with lentils instead of quorn or with neither.

Friday 11 March 2011

Rocky Roads


100g/3 1/2 oz milk chocolate, broken into squares
40g/1 1/2 oz low fat margarine
1 tbsp golden syrup
100g reduced fat digestives (normal ones work just as well) - crushed
50g/1 3/4 oz mini marshmallows or roughly chopped larger ones (be careful - not many are vegetarian)
50g/ 1 3/4 oz dried fruit (raisins, chopped up glace cherries, sultanas etc)

Place the chocolate, margarine, syrup (and  marshmallows if you want a smoother mixture) in a bowl over a pan of hot water and melt gently.  Add the crushed biscuit and dried fruit and mix thoroughly.

If doing the smooth version roll into little truffles and roll in sprinkles, then place in a mini paper case.
If doing the rough version, leave the crushed biscuit lumpy and don't melt the marshmallow.  Grease a 7" square tin and line it.  Press the mixture into the tin and cool in the fridge. Cut into appropriately sized biscuits.

Pavlova - a soft marshmallow textured one


4 egg whites
225g caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp cornflour


Draw a 20 cm/8" circle on a sheet of non stick paper (or a rectangle/square of the rough size you need).  Whisk the egg whites until very stiff and standing in peaks. Beat in the sugar a dessertspoonful at a time. Beat in the vanilla essence, vinegar and cornflour.  Spoon the mixture into the shape required on the baking sheet, making a slight hollow in the centre.
Bake in the oven at 120C (250F or Gas Mark 1/2) for about an hour.  Ideally leave it in the turned off oven to cool if time allows. It is normal for the meringue to crack while cooling.
Place on a serving plate.
Decorate with whipped cream and fruit or plain yogurt and fruit or topping of your choice.

Passion Cake

5 oz butter
7 oz soft brown sugar
8 oz finely grated carrots
2 eggs
7 oz self raising flour
3 level tsp baking powder
1 level tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
4 oz seedless raisins
2 oz chopped walnuts (optional)
3 tbsp milk


8 oz cream cheese (full fat)
4 tsp lemon juice
 1 1/2 oz icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
walnut halves to decorate (optional)


Grease 8" round tin and line base
Pre heat oven to 180C (350F or Gas Mark 4)
Melt the butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water and beat in the soft brown sugar, grated carrots and eggs.  Seive together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Fold evenly into the mixture with the raisins (walnuts if using) and milk.

Turn mixture into the prepared tin and level.
Bake in the centre of the oven for about an hour.
Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn onto a wire rack.
When cold cut into two layers.

Beat the cream cheese with the lemon juice, seived icing sugar and vanilla essence.
Sandwich the two layers with half the frosting and spread the rest on top.
Decorate with the walnut halves if liked.

If your oven tends not to cook things well to the centre, then split the mixture into two prepared 8 inch tins instead to ensure it is cooked through.

Gingerbread Men


3 oz soft brown sugar
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 tbsp treacle
1 tbsp water
3 1/2 oz butter/marg
1 level tsp cinnamon
1 level tsp ginger
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
8 oz plain flour (approx)


Put sugar, syrup, spices and water into a medium saucepan and bring to the boil whilst stirring constantly.  Remove from the heat and add butter and bicarbonate.  Add the flour gradually, mixing, until you have a smooth workable dough.
Cover and leave to cool.
Heat oven to 180C (350F)
Roll dough to approx 3mm thick and cut into shapes (add currants if relevant)
Bake on a lightly greased and lined baking sheet for 10 - 15 mins.

Again, if you want soft biscuits, leave them very slightly undercooked.

Smarties Cookies


75g/3 oz butter/margarine/low fat margarine
75g/3 oz caster sugar
75g/3 oz light soft brown sugar
1 egg
a few drops of vanilla
pinch of salt
175g/6 oz self raising flour
100g (roughly) Smarties


Cream butter, sugar and vanilla and add egg.  Fold in the rest of the ingredients.  Drop spoonfuls onto a greased, lined baking sheet/tray.  Bake at 180C for 12-15 mins.

These are at their best if they are slightly undercooked looking - soft and yummy!

Cinnamon, Oat and Raisin Cookies


75g/3 oz butter/margarine/low fat margarine
75g/3 oz caster sugar
75g/3 oz light soft brown sugar
1 egg
a few drops of vanilla
pinch of salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon (or more or less according to taste)
175g/6 oz self raising flour
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup of raisins or sultanas


Cream butter, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla and add egg.  Fold in the rest of the ingredients.  Drop spoonfuls onto a greased, lined baking sheet/tray.  Bake at 180C for 12-15 mins.

These are at their best if they are slightly undercooked looking - soft and yummy!

Chocolate Chip Cookies


75g/3 oz butter/margarine/low fat margarine
75g/3 oz caster sugar
75g/3 oz light soft brown sugar
1 egg
a few drops of vanilla
pinch of salt
175g/6 oz self raising flour
100g or more of choc chips


Cream butter, sugar and vanilla and add egg.  Fold in the rest of the ingredients.  Drop spoonfuls onto a greased, lined baking sheet/tray.  Bake at 180C for 12-15 mins.

These are at their best if they are slightly undercooked looking - soft and yummy!



4 oz butter/marg/low fat marg
4 oz sugar
2 eggs
4 oz self raising flour
1/2 tsp vanilla essence


Grease and line a 7/8 inch baking tin
Cream the butter, vanilla and sugar with an electric whisk.  Add the eggs and beat lightly again. Fold in the flour gently.
Bake in an oven at 180C for about 20 mins until the top is springy but firm.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Fried Rice


Rice - cooked the day before, cooled and stored, tightly covered, in fridge.
2 eggs - beaten
Soy sauce
Groundnut oil
1 cup frozen peas

Heat the oil in a large wok or frying pan to a high heat.
Add the rice and stir thoroughly through the oil.
Slowly pour the beaten eggs through the rice mixture so that it scrambles in small pieces.
Season with a couple of tbsp of soy sauce - to taste.
Throw in frozen peas and stir for a minute.

Sweet And Sour Quorn - adapted from Jamie's Ministry of Food


groundnut oil
1 bag of Quorn pieces
1 red onion
1 red pepper
1 thumb sized piece of ginger (peeled and diced)
2 cloves of garlic - crushed
1 small bunch of coriander (pick off leaves and chop stalks)
1 heaped tsp five-spice
1 tsp cornflour
2-3 tbsp soy sauce
1 small tin of pineapple chunks
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/2 - 1 red chilli - diced (optional)


Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  Add the quorn and five-spice and stir thoroughly.  Cook until lightly browned then remove to a bowl.  Add a little more oil to the pan if necessary and reheat.  Add onion, garlic, ginger, coriander stalks,  pepper (and chilli if using).  Cook for a few minutes then stir in the cornflour and 2 tbsp of soy sauce.  Cook for 30 to 40 seconds, then add the pineapple chunks, with their juice, the quorn and the balsamic vinegar.  Season with black pepper and add more soy sauce if necessary.  Reduce to a gravy like consistency then serve.

Garnish with coriander leaves.

Monday 7 March 2011

Ricotta & Spinach Cannelloni


1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion - finely chopped
250g frozen spinach - defrosted and well drained
250g ricotta cheese
8 cannelloni tubes
1 pinch of grated nutmeg

50g low fat margarine
50g plain flour
1 pint milk
50g low fat cheddar cheese - grated
25g veggie parmesan - grated


Heat the oil in a saucepan and soften the onion slowly and gently.  Meanwhile in a large bowl mix spinach, nutmeg, ricotta and seasoning. Using a teaspoon fill each tube and place in an ovenproof dish.
Place all the sauce ingredients except the cheeses in a saucepan.  Heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce thickens.  Stir in the cheddar and once it has melted pour over the cannelloni tubes.  Sprinkle with the parmesan.  Cook in the centre of the oven at 190C for 30 to 35 minutes.

Vegetarian Paella - Version 2


1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic - crushed
1 medium onion - sliced
1 cup of long grain rice
1 handful of baby carrots - scrubbed or peeled
1 handful of baby sweetcorn (on the cob) - washed
1 handful of mangetout - washed and topped and tailed
1 handful of green beans - washed and topped and tailed
1 large handful of unsalted cashew nuts
5 or so chestnut mushrooms - chopped (can be fairly large pieces if everyone in the family is happy with them)
1 carton of passatta
2 cups of water
1 red pepper - diced
1 green pepper - diced
1 handful of petit pois (frozen)
1 handful of sweetcorn (frozen)
1 tsp paprika
2 tsp fresh oregano - chopped


Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  Add the onion and garlic and soften gently.  Add the rice and stir over a medium heat for 3 minutes.  Stir in baby carrots, green beans, baby sweetcorn, cashew nuts, passatta and the water.  Bring to the boil.  Boil uncovered for about 10 minutes, until the rice is tender and most of the liquid is absorbed.  Add the remaining ingredients  (except peas and sweetcorn) and mix well.  Reduce the heat and cover. Simmer for about 5 minutes or until the peppers are soft. Add the peas and sweetcorn and cook until heated through and no more.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Vegetarian Paella


1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic - crushed
1 medium onion - sliced
1 cup of long grain rice
1 head of brocolli  - chopped
1/4 medium cauliflower - chopped
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 cups of water
1 large carrot - finely chopped
1 red pepper - diced
1 green pepper - diced
1 tsp paprika
2 tsp fresh oregano - chopped


Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  Add the onion and garlic and soften gently.  Add the rice and stir over a medium heat for 3 minutes.  Stir in brocolli, cauliflower, the can of tomatoes and the water.  Bring to the boil.  Boil uncovered for about 10 minutes, until the rice is tender and most of the liquid is absorbed.  Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.  Reduce the heat and cover. Simmer for about 5 minutes or until the peppers are soft.

Experiment with the vegetables in this.  I prefer it with mangetout, peas, sweetcorn/babycorn on the cob, mushrooms and mini carrots in it.  I usually use dried oregano not fresh and it works fine.

Leek Roulade with Ricotta Corn Filling


90g butter
1 medium leek - diced
1 clove of garlic - crushed
1/3 cup plain flour
1 cup milk
4 eggs - separated
2 tbsp grated veggie parmesan
100g ricotta cheese
2x130g sweetcorn
1/3 cup chopped fresh chives


Mix the ricotta, sweetcorn and chives in a small bowl and leave to infuse.
Grease and line a 25cm by 30 cm swiss roll tin.  Melt 30g butter in a small saucepan, add leek and garlic and soften slowly for at least 5 mins until the leek is soft.  Remove it from the pan and put it in a small bowl for later.  Melt the other 60g butter in the same pan, stir in flour and cook for about a minute, then gradually add the milk, stirring in thoroughly.  Bring to the boil and simmer until it thickens.  Stir in the egg yolks and leek mixture and stir thoroughly.  Transfer the mixture to a large bowl.
Beat the egg whites in a large bowl until they peak, then fold into the rest of the mixture.  Spread it into the swiss roll tin evenly.  Put it in a hot oven (at least 200C) and cook for at least 12 minutes, until golden brown.
Meanwhile sprinkle a clean tea towel with the grated parmesan.
When the mixture is cooked, turn it out onto the tea towel.  Carefully peel off the lining paper.  Spread with the ricotta filling and roll on the long side. 

Saturday 5 March 2011

Vegetable Korma (adapted from Jamie Oliver's Ministry Of Food)


2 medium onions - diced
1 bag of quorn pieces (optional)
1/2 a cauliflower - broken into medium florets
a handful of frozen peas
5 or more mushrooms cut into quarters
4 medium potatoes - peeled and cut into large cubes
1 thumb sized piece of ginger - peeled and finely diced
a small bunch of fresh coriander - save some for garnish and chop the rest up
1 can of chickpeas
ground nut oil
1/2 jar of Patak's korma curry paste
1 can of light coconut milk
a small handful of flaked almonds or cashew nuts
1 tbsp ground almonds
2 heaped tbsp desicated coconut
250 - 500ml natural yogurt
1 fresh green chilli (optional)
1 lemon (optional)


Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  (If using quorn brown it slightly in the oil and then set it aside) Add the onion, chilli (if using), ginger, and coriander.  Stir until softened and gently browning.  Add the korma paste, coconut milk, flaked almonds or cashews, chickpeas, dessicated coconut, potatoes and cauliflower. Add half a tin of water and stir thoroughly.  (If using quorn return it to the saucepan at this point.) Bring to the boil and then turn down and simmer for about 30 mins.  Check on it regularly to check it hasn't dried out.  Add water if it does look dry.  Season if needed.  Once the potato is tender add the mushrooms and peas.  Cook for another minute and then serve.

Serve with a good spoonful of natural yogurt over it, flaked almonds and leaves from the coriander.  If using lemon place a wedge of lemon on the side of the plate to be squeezed over the korma.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Pasta Primavera - Shamelessly Stolen From Bessie26's Blog

Olive oil
3 medium carrots - peeled and cut into batons
1 packet of green beans - washed and topped and tailed
1 courgette - washed and cut into batons
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup frozen sweetcorn
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped mint
1 lemon - grated zest and then squeeze
Boil the kettle. Prepare the veg and herbs.  Put the tagliatelle on to boil. Heat the oil in a large pan or frying pan.  Soften the carrot batons gently in the olive oil, then add the green beans and allow to cook for a few minutes.  Add the chopped herbs, lemon zest, lemon juice and the courgette batons and cook for a few minutes more.  Add the frozen peas and sweetcorn a minute or two before serving.  Drain the pasta and mix it well with the vegetables, making sure the tagliatelle is well covered in the lemony oil.
Serve with a sprinkling of veggie parmesan.
Would probably be nice with a good tablespoon of sour cream or creme fraiche through it just before serving but I haven't tried that yet.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Pasta Bake (with optional sausages)


Olive oil
1 onion - very finely sliced
1 clove garlic - crushed
1 carton passatta
1 tub marscapone cheese
(1 packet veggie sausages - defrosted and sliced)
1 or 2 large handfuls of basil
250/300g pasta (fussilli or penne?)
(Some veggie stock if necessary)
2 slices of bread - grated
Grated cheese - veggie parmesan or mature cheddar or both!!


Heat oil in a large pan.  Soften onion and garlic slowly and thoroughly.  Add the sliced sausages and allow to brown slightly.  Add the passatta and basil and bring to the boil. Simmer.  Take off the heat and add the marscapone and seasoning.
Put the pasta in a large casserole (with a lid) and add the tomato mixture.  Stir in thoroughly.  Cook slowly and gently for about an hour - make sure it doesn't dry out too much - add a tiny bit of stock and stir in if it does.
Meanwhile grate the bread and cheese.
About 20 mins before serving sprinkle the top with a layer of cheese and bread mixed together and cook with the lid off so it browns slightly.

Serve with salad.

Vegetable Lasagne


Olive oil
1 onion - diced
2 cloves garlic - crushed
1 carrot - diced
1 green pepper - diced
1 red pepper - diced
1 yellow pepper - diced
1 courgette - diced
5 or 7 chestnut mushrooms - diced
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 handful torn basil
(1 bag quorn mince - optional)

Plain flour
Mustard powder
Grated cheese (veggie parmesan or mature cheddar or both!)

Lasagne sheets (I like the green ones)


Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Soften the onion and garlic then add the veg in order of recipe list, letting it cook a bit before you add the next. (I cut the next veg and by then it is usually ready). Add the quorn last if using it.  Add the tomatoes, puree, basil and seasoning.  Bring to the boil and simmer.

While it simmers, melt the butter  in a small pan.  Add flour and mustard powder to make a roux and allow to cook gently.  Very gradually work in the milk, stirring each splash in thoroughly.  Season.

In a shallow, preferably rectangular dish, layer the tomato mixture and lasagne sheets, making the tomato layer as thin as you can.  Once you have run out of tomato mix, top with white sauce.  Cover this layer with the grated cheese.

Bake in the oven at 180C for about 45 mins.

Serve with salad.

70's Cottage Cheese Flan


Shortcrust pastry case (homemade or shop bought)
1 tub of low fat cottage cheese
1 packet of vegetarian bacon - chopped up into small squares
6 free range large eggs
1 small can of pineapple pieces - drained
(a handful of finely grated vegetarian parmesan - optional)


Beat the eggs in a large bowl and then add the tub of cottage cheese, chopped bacon, pineapple and parmesan if using.  Mix it up and season.  Pour into the pastry case and cook until firm and golden.

(You will either love this or be utterly repulsed by it!!)

Sausage and Puy Lentil Stew - would probably work in a slow cooker


Olive oil
1 large onion  - sliced or diced
1 or 2 garlic cloves - crushed
2 or 3 carrots - peeled and grated
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 packet of Quorn or Linda McCartney style sausages - defrosted and sliced in 1 inch pieces
2/3 cup of puy lentils - rinsed
A little veggie stock if necessary


Heat oil in a large pan.  Soften onion and garlic then add sliced sausages and brown.  Add grated carrots and cook for few minutes. Add lentils, stir and cook for about a minute.  Add tomatoes, seasoning and tomato puree.  Bring to the boil and simmer.  Either leave to simmer on hob or transfer to casserole dish with lid and cook on low heat, slowly, in the oven.  Add stock if it looks too dry.

Serve with mashed potato.

Spanish "Chicken"/Quorn - would probably work in a slow cooker


Olive oil
1 large onion  - diced or sliced
2 large cloves garlic - crushed
1 green pepper  - sliced
1 can chick peas - drained and rinsed
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 bag quorn pieces
a few sprigs of thyme


Heat the oil in a large pan.  Soften the onions and garlic gently.  Add the green pepper and soften.  Add the quorn, tomatoes, tomato puree, chick peas, thyme and seasoning.  Bring to the boil and simmer.  Either continue to cook on a low heat on the hob or transfer to a casserole dish with a lid and cook slowly in the oven until soft and tender.

Serve with rice.

Lentil Bolognaise


Olive oil
1 onion  - diced
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1 cup of red lentils
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
A good handful of torn basil
A little veggie stock if necessary
1/2 tsp of sugar if necessary


Heat the oil in a medium saucepan.  Soften the onions in the oil gently and then add the garlic and, again, soften gently.  Add the lentils, stir well and cook for about one minute.  Add the tin of tomatoes, tomato puree, basil and seasoning.  Bring to the boil and simmer for about ten minutes, until the lentils are soft.  Stir occasionally and add a little stock if it becomes too dry.  Taste and adjust seasoning.  Add a tiny bit of sugar if there is any bitterness.

Serve with wholemeal spaghetti.

Monday 21 February 2011

Veggie Stovies (DH style) - might work in a slow cooker


Olive oil
1 packet of quorn mince
2 medium onions - diced
2/4 carrots - diced
8 large potatoes - diced
1/2 pint or more of veggie gravy


Heat the oil in a large pan.  Soften the onions, then add the carrots and soften them.  Add the quorn and cook for a few minutes.  Add the potatoes and the gravy and cook until the potatoes are soft, making sure it doesn't dry out (it should be a bit runny).

Serve with pickled beetroot, buttered oatcakes and a glass of milk.

Vegetarian Stovies - might work in a slow cooker


Olive oil
4 veggie burgers/6 veggie sausages - defrosted and diced
8 large potatoes - peeled and diced
2 large onions - diced
2/4 large carrots - diced
1 pint good veggie stock (possibly more)


Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  Soften the onions gently then add the burgers/sausages and carrots and cook for 5 or 10 mins. Add the diced potatoes and the stock.  Simmer on a low heat, stirring occasionally, for a long, long time until the whole mixture resembles brownish mashed potatoes and is quite thick to stir.

Serve with pickled beetroot, buttered oatcakes and a glass of milk.

Cottage Cheese Tortilla


Olive oil
2 medium onions -  sliced
2 par boiled potatoes - sliced
6 large free range eggs
1 tub low fat cottage cheese
1 cup frozen sweetcorn
1 cup frozen peas
(50g vegetarian parmesan optional)
(A handful of cherry tomatoes halved - optional)


Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan.  Gently cook the onions until soft and then browned.  Add the sliced potatoes and again cook until quite browned on both sides. Meanwhile beat the eggs and add the tub of cottage cheese.  Beat as best you can.  Add the frozen sweetcorn and peas to the egg mixture. Season the mixture.  Add the mixture so that it sits in a layer on top of the potato and onion layer.  Obviously some of the mixture will seep through and set the  bottom layer.  Cook gently on a low heat until the top of the mixture is firmly set. Half way through the cooking push the tomato halves into the top of the mixture (when it is firmer but not solid.)
Transfer to the grill and cook gently again until firmly set.

The tortilla/omlette should be quite browned on the outsides, almost burnt looking.

Turn out onto a large serving plate to serve or cut slices from the pan if you are not feeling brave.

Serve with salad.

Vegetable Tortilla


8 large free range eggs
Olive oil
2 medium onions - sliced (or diced if your family are not keen on them)
2 carrots - diced very small
1 red pepper - diced very small
1 cup frozen sweetcorn
1 cup frozen peas
50g or more finely grated parmesan (Tesco do a veggie one)
a splash of milk
(A handful of cherry tomatoes halved - optional)


Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan.  Gently cook the onions until soft and then very brown.  Add the carrots and cook for about 5 mins.  Add the peppers and cook for 10 mins gently.  Meanwhile beat the eggs, add a splash of milk, seasoning and the grated parmesan. Add the frozen sweetcorn and peas to the frying pan.  Once they are warm add the egg mixture and make sure it is spread evenly through the vegetables.  Cook slowly on a low heat until the top of the mixture is nearly cooked.  Just before the top of the tortilla is set, push the tomato halves into the mixture.  Transfer to the grill and again cook on a low heat until completely firm.

The tortilla/omlette should be very browned, almost burnt on the outside.
If you are brave you can then try to turn it out onto a large serving plate and slice it in segments like a pizza to serve.  If you are less formal you could serve it from the frying pan.

Serve with salad or with roast potatoes and corn on the cob for a more substantial meal.